On the set of Jack of All trades: relaxing, on left (55 KB) after lunch, on right(32 KB) what else is a corset for?(22 KB) being more sensible (43 KB) at last, a brunette! (29 KB) Jack of All Trades, Xena and Cleopatra: on film, extreme right (48 KB) doubling for an amazon dancer (26 KB) the state you go home in (20 KB) all that dirt for this? (41 KB) doubling for Raina (Danielle Cormack) (19 KB) This Is It, millennium celebration: the very end of the catwalk(38 KB) back of the stage, showing hte size of our moa (54 KB) as a goth, (24 KB) as Queenie (28 KB) stage left, mammoth set (50 KB) N.A.S.D.A. performances: as the brat Georgiana in Jane Eyre (14 KB) The brat again (22 KB) a yorkshire woman (10 KB) hat.JPG (12 KB) leaning on basket, the 1998 Cabaret (51 KB) the graduating concert, on left, singing In His Eyes (25 KB) grad concert again, singing, Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again (5 KB) a bit of street theatre, the gweat white hunter (47 KB) "Local" theatre, 2000: publicity for Steel Magnolias, center (41 KB) as the Spring Muse, Dirty Weekends.. note the whip (20 KB) as the Summer Muse, Dirty Weekends (27 KB) publicity for Pioneering Petticoats, on left (28 KB) 'Local' theatre, 1996: Les Mis in concert, 8th from left back row (34 KB) pulling a face in Pus 'n' Boots, on right (22 KB) sleeping in Pus 'n' Boots (22 KB) site index >> performing index >> contact ©1999, 2000, 2001 to Michaela de Bruce contact me if you wish to use any part of this site. All images are of Michaela de Bruce, unless otherwise stated and copyright belongs to the owners of those images. Links are provided to the artists where ever possible.
Jack of All Trades, Xena and Cleopatra:
This Is It, millennium celebration:
N.A.S.D.A. performances:
"Local" theatre, 2000:
'Local' theatre, 1996:
©1999, 2000, 2001 to Michaela de Bruce contact me if you wish to use any part of this site. All images are of Michaela de Bruce, unless otherwise stated and copyright belongs to the owners of those images. Links are provided to the artists where ever possible.