mdb resume
eye colour;
blue grey
hair colour:
golden blonde/copper (waist length)
(1997-1998) National Academy of Singing and Dramatic Arts, Christchurch
New Zealand.
(1994-1996) Bachelor of Science, University of Auckland, NZ
(1993) Higher School Certificate (Drama), A Bursary, Avondale College, Auckland, NZ
(1992)Sixth Form Cert (Drama)
(2001) «MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING», Beatrice, Titirangi Drama, Auckland NZ
(2000) «CELTIC DANCE FORCE», Mary Kelly (comedy act), Adrian Murphy's Dance Troupe, Auckland NZ
(2000) «DIRTY WEEKENDS», The Muse and Daisy Chayne The Dolphin Theatre, Auckland, NZ
(1999) «THIS IS IT» millennium production, Core Cast Inside Out Productions, Auckland, NZ
(1999) «THE SNOW QUEEN» Enchantress and Reindeer Waitemata Theatre, Auckland, NZ
(1999) «THEN THERE WERE TWELVE», Prostitute and Dancer Waitemata Theatre, Auckland, NZ
(1999) «PIONEERING PETTICOATS», Helen Buxton Waitemata Theatre, Auckland, NZ
(1999) «STEEL MAGNOLIAS», Shelby Eatenton/Latcherie Waitemata Theatre, Auckland, NZ,
(1998) Christmas Caroling, Soprano,Young Friends of Opera New Zealand, Auckland, NZ
(1998) «STRIKE UP THE BAND», Mrs Draper, NASDA, Music Centre Christchurch, NZ
(1998) «JANE EYRE», Miss Scratcherd, NASDA, University Theatre, Chistchurch Arts Centre, NZ
(1998) «THE APPLE TREE», Nadjira/Eve, The Christchurch Music Centre, Christchurch, NZ
(1998) Shakespeare Scenes, Desdemona, Flute NASDA, Christchurch, NZ
(1998) CABARET, "Rosa's Confession", "Girls of the Night", "Where Did You Get That Hat", Chorus NASDA, Christchurch, NZ
(1998) «LEAP», self directed short items solo and goup, NASDA, Christchurch, NZ
(1997) Restoration Scenes, Lady Wishfort, "The Way of The World", NASDA, Christchurch, NZ
(1997) Shakespeare Scenes, Phebe, Malcolm, NASDA, Christchurch, NZ
(1997) In House Recitals, "The Black Swan", "L'ho Perduta", NASDA, Christchurch, NZ
(1996) «PUS ‘N’ BOOTS», Lord Snoozle, Glen Eden Playhouse Auckland, NZ
(1996) «LES MISERABLES» in Concert, Pump House Theatre, Auckland NZ
(1996) «TRIAL BY JURY», A Bridesmaid, Young Friends of Opera New Zealand, Maidment Theatre,Auckland, NZ
(1996) Chrismas Caroling, Soprano,Auckland, NZ
(1993) «THE WOLF BOY», The Parent, Avondale College, Auckland NZ
(1993) Scenes, King Lear pastishe, "Castle on a Cloud", Avondale College, Auckland, NZ
(1992) «IN HOLLAND STANDS A HOUSE», , Avondale College, Auckland NZ
(1989) «THAT HEALTHY GLOW», Scientist, workshopped play of group devising, Avondale College, Auckland, NZ
singing competitions:
1st placings:
(1995) North Shore Performing Arts Competitions(NSPAC);
SOLO IN COSTUME (Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again)
(1996) West Auckland Mini Youth fesival (WAMYF)
CLASSICAL ARIA (Se tu ma’ami)
FOREIGN SOLO (Mareinwurmchen)
3rd placings:
(1999-2000) Extra work on «Xena» and «B2B»
(1998) Student directed advertisement, Christchurch Polytechnic.
1995 Featured Extra, «Xena» ep 21 «Is There a Doctor in the House?» (Broken Leg Woman)
(1995-1996)Various extra stints on «Xena» and «Hercules».
As a child, various radio ads for Christchurch and Dunedin NZ radio.
specialised skills:
costuming for shows, extensive knowelege of the history and theory of costume
Rapier and Dagger stage combat, Unarmed stage combat, currently training in stunt fighting and wrestling,
some ballet and other dance forms.
Experience in Pantomine,
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©1999, 2000, 2001 to
Michaela de Bruce contact me if you wish to use any part of this site.
All images are of Michaela de Bruce, unless otherwise stated and copyright belongs to the owners of those images. Links are provided to the artists where ever possible.