mixed media cats
Freddie Cat
Cat as Freddie Mercury. Satin fabric for the body and black faux fur for his hair.
Nanny Ogg's murderous furball. I also made one of these for a friend. Note the mis matched eyes and very rough fur.
Rum Tum
First mixed media cat I'd made. It's a coincidence he turned out so much like the Rum Tum Tugger from the musical Cats...
Actually I'm not sure which one of the Stooges has the mop top but he was the inspiration for this cat.
When I first drew sketches that became the basis for these cats it was a long legged big pawed white cat that I drew. So when I found some white velveteen I knew that I could at last make the cat that started it all.
It was actually a family pet that inspired me. He died when I was 16 but was such a personality he has stayed with me all this time. He was a green eyed white caw with big feet, aquiline nose and a tail that went on forever.
He was originally named by the people who reared him, they had a very dry humour, and the name I've used for this cat is a contraction of that name.